
Plaisant Shipping Srl - ship agency

shipping agency; forwarding agent in all sardinian ports

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هاتف : +39 783 777061
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الموقع الالكتروني:
Plaisant Shipping Srl
عنوان : Via Gabriele DAnnunzio 1/a
مدينة : Oristano
الرمز البريدي : 09170
Country : Italy

وصف الشركة


Plaisant was established in the port of Carloforte (south west Sardinia) in 1840 for handling the export of minerals from the mines of Sulcis Iglesiente.

Later, as Sardinian industry developed, branches were opened in Sant’Antioco, Portovesme, Cagliari – Sarroch, Porto Torres, Oristano, Arbatax and Olbia.


The company operates, with skilled staff, at all the Sardinian commercial ports and at the airports of Cagliari, Olbia and Alghero, offering the following services:

Shipping Agency P&I CorrespondentsLloyd’s of London Sub-Agents Forwarding Agency Customs Broker Air Cargo Handlers

Moreover, thanks to its well-established partnerships, it is able to operate at all the Italian ports.