
Larsens Marine Surveyors & Consultants Ltd

Our mission is to deliver a high level of service which serves to benefit our clients, their business, safety and quality both for today and for the future

معلومات الاتصال

هاتف : +44 1472 826820
البريد الإلكتروني: [javascript protected email address]
الموقع الالكتروني:
Larsens Marine Surveyors & Consultants Ltd
عنوان : 16 Cambrian Way
مدينة : Holton Le Clay
الرمز البريدي : DN36 5DE
Country : United Kingdom

وصف الشركة

Larsens Marine Surveyors & Consultants Ltd (LMSC) is UK based company operating around the globe in the marine and offshore industries. Originally registered as Consocius Consulting Ltd in 2013.

LMSC provide services in the survey and auditing of ships and offshore floating units, technical consulting services, owners representative services, education and training, third party witness and expert witness roles. Our services can benefit Private Owners, Protection and Indemnity (P&I Clubs), Insurance Companies, Ship owners, Solicitors, Ship Brokers, Educational Establishment and individuals alike.

We provide a flexible service and work with our clients to ensure that each task which we perform meets their needs exactly or to identify what those needs may be. Every case is different, that is the very nature of the marine and offshore industries.We therefore recommend that you contact us as early as possible in any matter which may require our services. This allowing all concerned to ensure that the correct steps are being taken and that these are being taken in a timely manner.