
Container Terminal Saint-Petersburg

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الموقع الالكتروني:
Container Terminal Saint-Petersburg
عنوان : Elevatornaya ploschadka, 22, Ugolnaya gavan
مدينة : Saint-Petersburg
الرمز البريدي : 198096
Country : Russia

وصف الشركة

The Container terminal specializes in handling of all types of containerized cargo at the Forth cargo area of the Greater Port of Saint-Petersburg.
The new complex, built instead of outdated general cargo handling facilities, aims to satisfy the promptly growing demand for container handling services in the Northwestern region of Russia.
Designing of the Container terminal was completed in 2008.
In 2009-2010 container handling equipment was aquired and put into service, storage area and infrastructure retrofitted.
At the end of 2010 the system of automated accounting of stevedoring operations, terminal processes and warehousing of containers was brought into operation.
In January 2011 the Container terminal started operation on a regular basis.
The new container processing scheme simplifying the passing of border control procedures was launched on 24 October 2011. Reducing the amount of time the commission works on a vessel help cargo owners reduce berthing charges.
Further development within the second phase of construction includes extension of the quay and the storage area as well as aquisition of the new container handling equipment.