
Joseph Industrial Shipyard & Drydock

Where quality and service are priority; Where your ships are part of our family

معلومات الاتصال

هاتف : +18095437705
البريد الإلكتروني: [javascript protected email address]
الموقع الالكتروني:
Joseph Industrial Development Corp
عنوان : Respaldo Juan Goico Alix
مدينة : Santo Domingo Este
  Santo Domingo
الرمز البريدي : 11906
Country : Dominican Republic

وصف الشركة

Joseph Industrial is a complete shipyard, which has the following:

- Drydock-1 (Length 500ft & 60ft wide)

-Drydock-2 (Length 300ft & 60ft wide)

-Docking space (1,000ft)

Among the variety of services some of them are:

- Sandblast & Paint    -Mechanical & Machine Shops

- Steel & pipe repairs   -Electrical Repairs

-Tank Cleaning             -Audio Gauging