
Zenamar Maritime Agencies Ltd.

Just try to work with us and you will see the difference. We are your eye at port.

معلومات الاتصال

هاتف : +90 324 239 27 57
فاكس : +90 324 239 06 04
البريد الإلكتروني: [javascript protected email address]
الموقع الالكتروني:
Zenamar Maritime Agencies Ltd.
عنوان : İsmet İnönü Bulvarı 52
الرمز البريدي : 33050
Country : Turkey

وصف الشركة

Ship agency is our business. Every ship under our agency is attended 24hrs a day by our staff who are well experienced and have very good knowledge of all agency matters. We work in close partnership with our customers, responding quickly to meet their requirements and offering business solutions to their demands.

One of the keys to the success of our port service department is our teams being well trained, experienced, and specialized in their job. They speak the same language of shipping as your crew.

We hope to work one day also with you assuring of our best assistance at all times. Just try to work with us and you will see the difference. We are your eye at port.