
Trigon United of Texas, LLC

Trigon United is the trusted solution for interior and exterior cleaning and maintenance services

معلومات الاتصال

هاتف : 7139629651
البريد الإلكتروني: [javascript protected email address]
الموقع الالكتروني:
Trigon United, LLC
عنوان : Widens Park Drive 26915
مدينة : Magnolia
صندوق البريد : PO Box 12143, Spring TX 77391
الرمز البريدي : 77354
Country : USA

وصف الشركة

Trigon United was started in 2004 by 3 former Home Depot Executives. Our goal was/is to provide our customer base with the best customer service possible.  We are old fashion in the way we think from that perspective.  We absolutely believe we must do what we said we would do, we will not let a customer down.  That has led us to the many services we offer today as our existing customers would (and continue) ask us to do additional services for them.  We have never advertised, all of our growth as come from word of mouth from existing customers either asking us to do more for them or sharing our information with other businesses.

We have a number of hospitals that are customers of ours.  I mention this only to let you know that we have to operate with the highest standards to meet the protocols of the medical industry.  We would bring those same operating procedures to the the maritime industry.