
Rix Cargo Solutions

We provide cargo handling, storage and logistics services at the port of Montrose. Find out how we can deliver port side services for your business.


Phone: +44 1674 672827
Email: [javascript protected email address]
Rix Shipping Scotland Ltd
Address : Meridian Street 5
Postal Code : DD10 8DS
Държава : United Kingdom


We are Rix Cargo Solutions, with a trading name of Rix Shipping (Scotland) Ltd, a historic company based in the heart of Montrose. As part of J. R. Rix & Sons, we have offered class-leading cargo handling and shipping solutions for over 150 years.

Based on the Montrose port quayside, you can be sure that our experienced stevedoring and ship agency team can meet all your cargo handling, storage and shipping needs.

We provide class-leading ships agency services, so whether you need crew welfare, arrival documentation, or pilot organisation, Rix Cargo Solutions can deliver what you need. We can also provide fuel bunkering services.