
IPD ShipPharma

First in on board first aid


Telefon: +31 10 2183594
E-Mail: [javascript protected email address]
Int. Pharmaceutical Distributors (IPD bv)
Adresse : Bergselaan 200a
Stadt : Rotterdam
Postleitzahl : 3037 CL
Staat : Netherlands


Supporting captains with managing their ships medical chest.

Working with ship managers' superintendants and purchase department to assure efficiency.

Minimizing ship owners' cost.

Meeting flag, and port inspectorate's requirement.

Over the past 20 years IPD ShipPharma has been leading in improving the transparency on ship's medical stores requirements.

We supply on all continents and have surveyors operationg from Rotterdam and Manila.

We supply and survey in accordance with flag's medical stores, MLC 2006 medical and sanitation requirements for medical facilties.

Try us!