
Shipping between France and the Channel Islands


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Harbour Facilities (St Helier) Ltd
Adresse : Victoria Pier
Firmenpostfach: JE2 3NB
Staat : Jersey


The company of Harbour Facilities (St Helier) Ltd (HFL) was established in 1973 and until recently, undertook the services of towing, stevedoring, mooring, offshore construction, survey work, vessel operations and crewing.

During the company’s past it also pioneered and operated for several years the Granville to Jersey freight route, starting in 2006 with the company’s cargo boat MV Autumn Glory. However due to her limited carrying capacity HFL went into partnership first with an oyster export company and secondly with an entrepreneur to maintain the freight link.

Recent events have given HFL the opportunity to once again run a direct and regular scheduled freight service by owning and operating their own vessel.