
Xpress Crew

Online store dedicate to ship crew. Just ask for it


Telefon: +50766375623
E-Mail: [javascript protected email address]
Xpress Crew
Adresse : Vía Argentina 52
Stadt : Panamá
Staat : Panama


A ship without its crew is no more than steel, for us the most important part of the vessels is its crew, most of the time when coming to Panama or going through the Panama Canal, the time for shopping is limited or closed to zero. We want to be your personal shoppers, we want to take care of you while you are in panamanian waters.

You can go to our online store, but do not limit yourself to what you find in the website, if you have any other requests, do not hesitate, feel free to send us and email o WhatsApp.

You can also send your packages and we can storage them until you arrive to Panama and we can deliver it to you. If you are in charge of a ship and need any other services, we can contact a partner company to help you with any issue, for example: visas, transfers, flights, oil and so on.

Our team is here for you and to pamper you, let us take care of you while you are in Panama.

Just ask for it!