
Celero Shipping

We Value People


Telefon: +2302020000
Telefax : +2302115909
E-Mail: [javascript protected email address]
Celero Ltd
Adresse : Riche Terre Round About
Stadt : Port Louis
  Port Louis District
Staat : Mauritius


Established in 2009 by its current shareholders and executive directors, Marc Dalais and Patrice Maury.

CELEROis anindependent shipping & logistics group basedin Mauritius.We alsohave astrong presence in Madagascar.

Celero has aturnover exceeding USD13 million, employs over 100 team members andis  ownedby its senior management, whohas extensive experience in thelogistics field.

We seekto bring value to people inthe logistics chain. We encourage ouremployees to grow lasting

partnershipswith clients andother stakeholders.

We believe in aphilosophy of employing andnurturing ahighly professional team, offering continual  trainingandproviding themwith incentives to make valuablecontributions to the group.

We alsobelieve we have asocial responsibility towards our employees andto the community.