
Trans-Mar Services

We deliver what you need!


Τηλέφωνο: +359895464600
Email: [javascript protected email address]
Ιστοσελίδα: www.trans-marservices.com/
Trans-Mar Services LTD
Διεύθυνση : str. doc. Atanas Lipov 11
Πόλη : Topoli
Ταχυδρομικός Κώδικας : 9140
Χώρα : Bulgaria


We are the Trans-Mar Services, a company with over 15 years of experience in the port and maritime sector, with a full scope of services, capable of meeting all the demands of our customers and partners.

Safety, commitment, and sustainability have always been our pillars. More than providing products and services, we want to build good relationships. Add this to our vast experience and the result cannot be different: we have a great capacity to solve problems efficiently.

Our team is composed of highly qualified professionals, able to solve the most diverse needs, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Carrying out operations in all these ports, we offer prompt, safe and high-quality solutions.

Main Ports of Service

  • Bulgaria
  1. Varna
  2. Balchik
  3. Burgas
  4. Ruse
  • Romania
  1. Agigea
  2. Braila
  3. Constanta
  4. Galati
  5. Mangalia
  6. Medgidia
  7. Midia
  8. Tulcea
  • Turkey
  1. Istambul