
Maritime Network Sdb Bhd

Your Trusted Agency In Shipping & Marine Services


Τηλέφωνο: +60 12-2336-978
Φαξ : +60 33-3190-585
Email: [javascript protected email address]
Ιστοσελίδα: maritime-network.fr/
Maritime Network Sdb Bhd
Διεύθυνση : JALAN RAMIN 2/KS7 11(10A
Πόλη : Klang
Ταχυδρομικός Κώδικας : 41200
Χώρα : Malaysia


Since our establishment in 2003, Maritime Network Sdn Bhd has been a trailblazer in delivering comprehensive solutions to the maritime industry. As a cornerstone of maritime support, our primary commitment revolves around empowering the shipping sector.

Our driving mission centers on creating tangible cost reductions and efficiencies for Ship Owners & Charterers during port calls. This resolve is rooted in an intimate understanding of the intricate challenges faced by Ship Owners & Charterers.

This comprehension fuels our dedication to excellence and innovative service offerings. Our team comprises seasoned professionals whose expertise and commitment are unparalleled. They ensure that our services reflect professionalism and a resolute sense of duty.

Yet, our expertise extends beyond experience. Over time, we've forged symbiotic relationships with local immigration, customs, maritime, and port authorities. These collaborations ensure a seamless operational flow for our clients.

From the moment a vessel enters our waters to its onward journey, our adept team meticulously manages every detail of the necessary shipping documentation as mandated by Port Authorities.

With Maritime Network Sdn Bhd as your steadfast partner, rest assured that you're never alone. We stand prepared, round the clock, to provide unwavering assistance, ensuring the seamless functioning of the maritime world.

Welcome aboard!

Contact us at: [email protected]
