
Shipping Safety Rotterdam

Your safety is our priority !


Τηλέφωνο: +31 10 3028100
Email: [javascript protected email address]
Ιστοσελίδα: www.shipping-safety.com
Shipping Safety
Διεύθυνση : Dalweg 12
Πόλη : Oostvoorne
Ταχυδρομικός Κώδικας : 3233 KK
Χώρα : Netherlands


About Shipping Safety

Shipping Safety can provide all kinds of services and products for sea going vessels and offshore platforms.

We are an classification approved service station, mainly active within the Netherlands, Belgium and all other Western European countries. However we do not exclude any port in the world!

Shipping Safety carries out the inspection, repairing, new delivery and certification of all kind of fire fighting, rescue and safety equipment on board, to ensure the safety for all your employees.

One of our main standards is flexibility and 24/7, 365 days a year availibility. Everything is possible with proper communication.

Whatever service or product you need for your vessels, we will do our utmost to provide!

The way we work:

1. Receipt of your question, inquiry or order

2. Immediate follow-up by our operations department

3. For each order we start a seperate project

4. We keep you informed during the whole project

5. Certification, delivery, your feedback, aftersales etc.