
RCIED jammers | Stratign

RCIED Jammers | RCIED Jammers, manpack jammer manufacturer


Τηλέφωνο: +971559852960
Email: [javascript protected email address]
Ιστοσελίδα: www.stratign.com/product/rcied-jammers/
Straign FZE
Διεύθυνση : Dubai Airport Freezone, 5 EB Office no. 633 - PO box No 124010 - United Arab Emirates
Πόλη : Dubai
Ταχ. Θυρίδα: 124010
Ταχυδρομικός Κώδικας : 124010
Χώρα : United Arab Emirates


The jammers comprise an alternate number of transmitting modules that operate freely. The modules stick recurrence groups with various data transmission. The modules are mounted on one normal mechanical edge and they can be controlled either by their own control board or by a remote control.Stratign commits a high level of incomes to innovative and research programs. Our devoted R&D group is mainly focused on around creating developing algorithms and hardware or equipment for recognition and preparing of blocked communications signals. Our group works intimately with the client to comprehend the strategic and operational difficulties looked by them in operational scenarios and try to improve our optimize to solve their issues.