

Revolutionizing the way bulk and break bulk shipping is planned and operated


Phone: +358 50 599 25 53
Email: [javascript protected email address]
Address : Keilaranta 1
City : Espoo
Postal Code : 02150
Country : Finland


Seaber is a Finnish maritime software company dedicated to reducing inefficiencies, errors, costs and the environmental impact of bulk and break bulk shipping. Our software solution helps charterers and shipowners to plan, communicate, operate and optimize cargo flows and fleet schedules, resulting in improved asset utilization and profitability, streamlined port calls as well as reduced fuel consumption and emissions. We’re cooperating closely with charterer and shipowner companies to drive the digital transformation of the entire shipping industry.

Seaber is a cloud-based real-time planning, optimization and communication solution for bulk cargo & vessels.

Seaber improves the efficiency of bulk & break bulk charterers, shipowners & brokers through schedule planning, operational and stakeholder communications over the lifecycle of a voyage. We bring cargo related requirements, costs and durations with vessel positions and availability into one place. This results in optimised, yet realistic schedules for cargo deliveries and vessel utilisation, supporting multi-port and multi-parcel voyages and any combination of T/C, COA or spot contracts.