

Pure Ease


Teléfono: +233248881577
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ClassicPal Limited
Dirección : Plot NO. 94/4/2 Coastasl Estates,Okpoi Gonno
Ciudad : Accra
Casilla de correo: P.O.Box LG 629,Legon-Accra
Código Postal : 00233
País : Ghana


ClassicPal is a local company - but product quality, prices, terms and conditions match uniformly with international standards.

With our established operations and partnerships with local suppliers is the business edge that helps ClassicPal in meeting the current demands of all ship owners and operators and the offshore market consistently. We provide a 24/7/365 service for every marine operation, including land operations. We are a full service provider, including handling of owners goods, shipping, airfreight and related marine services, that can meet the demands of both multi-national organizations. We take pride in making it easy for our customers to receive their supplies, wherever they are needed, efficiently and at the best possible price n– this is encapsulated in our mission: PURE EASE

ClassicPal is a ship supplier entity incorporated under the Ghana companies code 1963 (Act 179). Our company is officially licensed by the Ghana Ports and Harbour Authority (GPHA) to procure,store and supply on sale to vessels/ships in all the ports of Ghana. Positioned as a brand that combines skill with speed in its operation, we have an efficient operational guide that lead