
Maritime Technical Superintendency

your NO-Nonsense Service Provider


Teléfono: +49 496 39054866
Correo electrónico: [javascript protected email address]
Sitio Web: https//
Maritime Technical Superintendency SAS
Dirección : Händelstraße
Ciudad : Dörpen
Código Postal : 26892
País : Germany


Maritime Technical Superintendency SAS (French Incorporated company)

now also Based in Northern Germany with 2 1/2 hour driving distance from both Hamburg & Rotterdam

specialized in Ship-Repair, Modification & Conversions

we provide World Wide;

* Project Management

* Interim Superintendency

* Technical Surveys

* Expert Consultancy

* Vessel Dry-Docking/Repair Preparations and Followup of multiple vessel projects

to Ship-Owners/ Managers and Shipyards world-wide.

With our Partners we als supply the following spares and services;

* Sacrificial Anodes (AL, Zn, Mg)

* Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements (Class approved)

* Ultrasonic AntiFouling systems

* Aluminum Gangways

* Thruster Overhauls & Maintenance (Large stock of original Kawasaki Thruster spares in the Netherlands)

* Inwater/Diving Inspections, Maintenance & Repairs (Propeller blade press owned by our Partner in NL)

* Non Destructive Testing of equipments and repairs onsite

* Spark Errosion bolt removals for LARGE sized bolts. (broken or stuck bolts removal without damaging the thread)

* Project Rentals; Tools, Lifting equipments, Temp. Light systems, Generators etc. (from our partner warehouse in Rotterdam)