
David Laughlin Photography

Professional Photographer: Families, Events, Aerial Photography & Drone Video Service, Wildlife, Landscape, Food Photography + Styling and Business Branding.


Phone: 6042188722
Email: [javascript protected email address]
David Laughlin Photography
Address : 100 Avenue 13750
City : Surrey
  British Columbia
Postal Code : V3T 0L5
Riik : Canada


I have experience as a small business owner in sales, marketing, accounting, branding, networking and maintaining positive client relationships while continuing to build my business.

I shoot with Nikon lenses and typically natural light as much as possible. My biggest asset as a photographer is my diverse portfolio and my creative, strategic approach to each project.

I have been published in a variety of blogs and magazines and have excellent customer reviews on Google, Yelp and Facebook.

I love serving my community and clients by offering my vision through the lens of how our families, businesses and food bring our lives together and make this life beautiful.

My goal is to provide every client with a positive, empowering experience that’s uniquely tailored to your identity. You can always expect me to be professional, prepared, flexible, creative, and committed.