


Email: [javascript protected email address]
Brazil Marine Services LTDA
Address : Avenida Castelo Branco 605
Postal Code : 65076-090
Riik : Brazil


We are the main shipping correspondents in the North East of Brazil.When a ship comes into the Port, we act as the P&I Club’s local representative and our principal function is to deal with the various problems that occur. These can range from small to large issues and we are here to assist in every matter. From organising a surveyor to attend a vessel or liaising with the authorities in relation to requests for security to arranging for medical attention for or the repatriation of sick or injured crew. This means that we have to be familiar with the expertise available in the local area and provide proper instructions in order to retain control over the handling of the matter. The speed and efficiency of our response is crucial to effective problem solving. We deal with many different scenarios and as a team, we all work together as we are often under short time constraints. We report to both the Club and the Members and assist the Master of the ship and the crew