
Servicios Marítimos Fernando Ríos


Phone: +584149623033
Email: [javascript protected email address]
Servicios Marítimos Fernando Ríos C.A
Address : Calle Punto Fijo
City : Punto Fijo
Postal Code : 4102
Riik : Venezuela


Servicios Marítimos Fernando Ríos, (SEMAFERCA), emerges as the legacy of Fernando Ríos Adarme, bulwark of the history of the shipping business in Falcón state and the trainer of many successful managers of shipping agencies who, for a couple of decades, have provided excellent services in diverse regions of the country. Shippngg AgencyOur attention is oriented to the particular neeeds of each the client regarding the operations of loading, unloading, maneuvers in generalas well as administrative procedures and logistics prior to arrival and at the time of departure in safe conditions. We are a nationally renowned company and our specialized staff possesses an average experience of more than 10 years. Underwater Anti-narcotics SurveysWe have rapid response capability, and a record of 0 negative incidents in the areas where we have carried out our activities. We maintain close relations with the authorities of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) and with the officials who guarantee observance of the ISPS Code, with regards to the inspection of decks and hulls in order to verify, upon arrival and departure, that the vessels are free of hidden illicit substances in key areas. For this purpose, we rely on qualified divers and high-tech equipment.