
Seaman Solutions

Seaman Solutions Easy Apply, Easy Pay, Easy Track


Phone: +32 486 43 23 10
Email: [javascript protected email address]
Migrabel BV
Address : Nevelse Warande 8
City : Sint-Martens-Latem
  Vlaams Gewest
Postal Code : 9830
Maa : Belgium


We are the first Official crew filing agent with an automated website designed to facilitate and quicken the Seafarer certification application process.Seaman Solutions is anautomated seafarer certification platform that simplifies your crew’s seaman book processing in one integrated system and improves the seafarer certifications management and optimisation of HR crewing operations. We support the process to obtain the seaman of Panama - Liberia - Dutch Seaman Book & STCW Courses required for the application and management of your crew’s documents.

Our automatised software is designed to bring you the best practice solutions to the most common problems seafarers and Crewing agencies are confronted with at the moment of applying for your Crew Seaman book following our 6 basic principles.

First & Reliable

Adapted to your needs
Worldwide Service
Easy Apply
Easy Track
Easy Pay

To apply for the certification online, access our portal:

From there you can:

Invite people to apply on your company’s behalf
Apply yourself for a Seaman Book
Assess your documents’ validity with a pre-evaluation by flag states experts
Apply online & obtain your seaman book in 2 weeks
- Provisional document issued in 24h
Online payment
- Access to our SPS (Seafarer Pre-evaluation System) Tool
Access to doctors tool to view approved physicians

If you are interested in knowing more give us a call to +32 465 08 41 79 to arrange an online meeting and explain your the platform usabilities.