

Pivot of the east and west


Phone: +94472888888
Fax : +94764077995
Email: [javascript protected email address]
Hambantota International Port Group (Pvt) Ltd
Address : Hambantota Road
City : Hambantota
  Southern Province
Maa : Sri Lanka


The Hambantota International Port is a member of CMPort, the largest publicport developer, investor and operator in China with a port network portfoliospanning 36 ports in 18 countries and regions. We are mission driven tobecome a world-class seaport with global connectivity, raising the standard ofintegrated logistics services, providing the best in class solutions to meetthe changing needs of our customers. We will achieve this through our values oftotal customer focus, innovative solutions, dedication and commitment to ourteam, use of the state of the art technologies, continuously evolvingmanagement practices and maintaining sustainable business growth accomplishedwith care for society and the environment resulting in superior gains to allour stakeholders.

Located ten nautical miles from the globaltrade route, the Hambantota International Port is the only deep draft,multi-purpose port in Sri Lanka. The port will provide a variety of servicesincluding but not limited to container, break bulk, Ro- Ro, bunkering, cruise,oil, bulk terminal, gas and project cargo. The Port is also focused on newtechnologies and environmental initiatives to boost digital information flowand sustainable practices throughout the supply chain. The port is envisaged tobe unparalleled, as it will be the only port in the country, designed to handlethe entire spectrum of services in the maritime and logistics sphere.