

Logistics Services Provider


Téléphone: +1 (605) 252-6392
Addresse e-mail: [javascript protected email address]
Site Internet:
Giovan F Leboffe
Addresse : 8th Avenue Southeast 304
City : Aberdeen
  South Dakota
Code Postal : 57401
Pays : USA


Tema logo

Arezza - Logistics Services Provider C:\Users\owner1\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\chp.jpg C:\Users\owner1\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\Energy Star logo.png

                                  travel transport energy and manufacturing      

                                [email protected]   skype arezza1        


 Arezza is a logistics services provider in travel destination management, multi modal logistics (passenger and cargo), energy-as-a-service and life cycle manufacturing projects; we feature on-demand, pay x value, first and last mile transactions carried out with local partners.


Opportunities for Locally Owned Businesses 

Arezza seeks collaborations with local product and service providers that: 

  1. Require no investment by project beneficiaries; 

  1. Include equipment and components life cycle management and after sales services; 

  1. Offer local employment and contracting opportunities; 

  1. Utilize a performance-based payment system; 

  1. Plant and equipment are owned by project beneficiaries; 

  1. Utilities, port authorities and/or municipalities, where applicable, are full project participants. 


How Does It Work

Arezza LSP finds buyers, takes title to, and delivers products for business sellers in collaboration with local and regional companies. The contractual relationship requires that sellers utilize travel, transport, software, insurance and warehousing services arranged by the LSP.

Market Focus - small and mid- size businesses located in the Mississippi, Missouri, Ohi