
M.A.Pratt & Associates - Consulting Partners

M.A.Pratt & Associates - Consulting Partners


Phone: 2426982459
Email: [javascript protected email address]
Website: www.http//
M.A.Pratt & Associates - Consulting Partners
Address : Village Road
City : Nassau
P.O. BOX: N 4593
  New Providence
Postal Code : N 4593
מדינה : Bahamas


M. A. Pratt & Associates - Consulting Partners, Nassau, The Bahamas. Having more than 40 years experience as practising Architects - Development Planners - Construction Managers, our primary focus is towards Residential, Commercial and Institutional Projects.

Our Corporate Agenda is geared toward consulting select clientèle, corporate and commercial entities or individuals, on Business, Investment or Development Projects. Clients seeking to pursue or achieve business opportunities in tourist/commercial investments and/or development.

Our Primary Services: Architecture I Development Planning I Construction Management. Other Interest: Business Development, i.e.; J-V Projects or Equity Partners seeking investment opportunities in The Bahamas.