
Coherent Lab

offshore software development company in India

संपर्क सूचना

कंपनी के फोन: +91 77420-21725
ईमेल: [javascript protected email address]
कंपनी की वेबसाइट:
Coherent Lab LLP
पता : Jan Path
शहर : Jaipur
डाक कोड : 302007
देश : India

कंपनी विवरण

Coherent Lab - A Trusted Name in the Technology Industry

If you are looking for a reputed web development company to build an effective website, Coherent Lab is the right choice. They offer professional web development and e-commerce solutions to clients across the globe. Furthermore, they also provide effective mobile app development services, including iPhone, Android, and cross-platform application programming. Additionally, they provide strategic website consulting and design services. Their expertise is unmatched in the industry and their results-driven approach is an excellent choice for any business.
The Company was founded in 2013, and has since become a popular choice for entrepreneurs and game developers across the world. Originally, the headquarters of the company were located in Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan, which is also known as the Pink City. However, after becoming a popular choice for business professionals and game enthusiasts, the company expanded to other locations. In addition to India, Coherent Lab has a presence office in Orlando, Florida, which offers a great opportunity for global businesses to utilize their innovative technology.
Among its offerings, Coherent Lab is best known for its cutting-edge mobile application and web development solutions. Its solutions are based on the latest technologies, including cloud computing, mCommerce, enterprise mobility, AR/VR, and cross-platform development. The company is a trusted name in the technology industry, and its services have been utilized in numerous successful projects. They have been consistently ranked as the best in customer satisfaction, and their high-quality services and products have been featured on many popular websites.