
Náutica Ginés Alonso SL

संपर्क सूचना

कंपनी के फोन: +34 950 266 233
कंपनी फैक्स : +34 950 271 257
ईमेल: [javascript protected email address]
कंपनी की वेबसाइट:
Náutica Ginés Alonso SL
पता : Carretera de Málaga 54
शहर : Almería
डाक कोड : 04002
देश : Spain

कंपनी विवरण

Náutica Gines Alonso SL, was founded in 1976 by the current directorGines Alonso Pérez and since 1978 we are a VOLVO PENTA service, currently weare an official VOLVO PENTA CENTER service for Almería, Granada, Melilla,Murcia and Cartagena, to provide this service we have facilities,instrumentation, special tools, workshop vehicles and personnel with longexperience and adequate training. In addition to water sports we have extensiveexperience in assembly, transformations, maintenance of fishing vessels, coastguards, fishing inspections, generators, auxiliary, emergency.