
Atlantes marine LLC

We serve all ports of Ukraine 24/7, supporting Ukrainian economy and helping the marine business grow.

संपर्क सूचना

कंपनी के फोन: +380983319632
कंपनी फैक्स : +380944800248
ईमेल: [javascript protected email address]
कंपनी की वेबसाइट:
Atlantes marine LLC
पता : вулиця Героїв Крут 15
शहर : Одеса
कंपनी पोबॉक्स: 65074
  Одеська область
डाक कोड : 65000
देश : Ukraine

कंपनी विवरण

Marine professionals praise Atlantes Marine for being extremally resourceful and fast. Sometimes we are called when other suppliers fail or cannot meet the deadline. You may be sure that even if a product your crew needs is difficult to obtain, we will go to great length and get it.