
Fetim BV

संपर्क सूचना

कंपनी के फोन: +31 20 5805333
ईमेल: [javascript protected email address]
कंपनी की वेबसाइट:
पता : Kopraweg 1
शहर : Amsterdam
डाक कोड : 1047 BP
देश : Netherlands

कंपनी विवरण

The Fetim Group is an international trading company specialised in the design, development, marketing and sale of construction products, flooring, home decoration and bathroom fittings.

Fetim develops products in line with the latest trends and techniques, and in terms of design has worked together with such renowned designers as Piet Boon and Jan des Bouvrie.

For nearly 100 years the Fetim Group has been active in over 40 countries within and outside Europe, supplying both professional end users as well as retailers.