
SCT spa

Our goal is taking care of Your Line. Salerno Container Terminal. Southern Gateway and hospitality.

संपर्क सूचना

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कंपनी फैक्स : +39 089 230512
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कंपनी की वेबसाइट:
Salerno Container Terminal spa
पता : Via Ligea
शहर : Salerno
डाक कोड : 84121
देश : Italy

कंपनी विवरण

SCT has developed as major private container terminal in the South of Italy, to cope with the increasing demand of the shipping industry in the area. During 2004 Salerno has reached 430.000 teus. The terminal has gained through the years a very strong reputation for reliability and efficiency. It guarantees: berths on vessel’s arrival, working productivity and performances, sailing schedules always matched with services tuned to the true requirements of the Shipping Lines. A qualified, dynamic and positively motivated staff, teamed with the management capacity to anticipate the trends of the market, always finds the most appropriate solutions to meet the client’s needs.