
Scandinavian Ships Suppliers

We serve you the best quality with accurate quantity.

संपर्क सूचना

कंपनी के फोन: 2132853493
कंपनी फैक्स : +92 213-2852555
ईमेल: [javascript protected email address]
कंपनी की वेबसाइट:
Scandinavian Ships Suppliers
पता : B.17, H.257 Tarachand Road Keamari Karachi
शहर : Karachi
डाक कोड : 75620
देश : Pakistan

कंपनी विवरण

Scandinavian Ships Suppliers Limited was founded since 1962 starting with a small office and a few staff. During the years, the Company experienced peak periods as well as tough times following the up and down waves of the marine industry. Along the way, the Company has taken advantage of diverse. Now we are the big name inshipchandler in Pakistan.