
Nepal Claims Bureau


संपर्क सूचना

कंपनी के फोन: +97715218095
कंपनी फैक्स : +97714380654
ईमेल: [javascript protected email address]
Nepal Claims Bureau
पता : Kaldhara Marg
शहर : Kathmandu
कंपनी पोबॉक्स: 5538
  Central Development Region
डाक कोड : 44600
देश : Nepal

कंपनी विवरण

Being the first and the oldest survey and investigation organization in Nepal, Nepal Claims Bureau has been handling for over years now various kinds of investigation entrusted to it by various underwriters at home and abroad, such as, Bank robbery, Fidelity guarantee, Fire, Storm, C.A.R.,

Motor, Burglary, Marine, Engineering, Machinery Breakdown and a lot of other risks covered under General Insurance Policy.

We are the Authorized claim settling Agents for various foreign insurance company PAICC, PICC, China, CPIC and SBI General Insurance, India for the Kingdom of NEPAL. We feel inspired and drawn, therefore, by a sense of kindred bond towards you as we feel extraordinarily glad to see your esteemed name commanding a niche of its own in an international reference book, “Insurance Compass”, which is the magnum opus on the International Insurance companies of the world at large. We wish we could be of some use to you here in NEPAL.

Staffed with a team of insurance expertise, and decentralised into various branch offices all over the country, ours in the oldest maritime surveying institution in the Himalayan Kingdom of Nepal keeping surveillance on all marine consignments entrusted in the policy cover to our care right from
the point they land at the port of Calcutta till they cross the customs barriers on either side of the border between India and Nepal and reach their final destination for their eventual delivery to the consignees.

Prevention of loss is our motto; recovery of the same, if at all it occurs during transit, is our professional obligation. We also negotiate the loss direct with the parties with benefits quite impossible in cases where the task is handled purely from across the seas.