
Navalogistic Srl

We aim to serve and please 100%

संपर्क सूचना

कंपनी के फोन: +39 041 5549963
कंपनी फैक्स : +39 041 5100243
ईमेल: [javascript protected email address]
कंपनी की वेबसाइट:
Navalogistic Srl
पता : Via Brondolo 13
शहर : Chioggia
डाक कोड : 30015
देश : Italy

कंपनी विवरण

Navalogisticis able to perform any kind of international transport or shipping and promptlysatisfying all Customers’ needs and requests. Intervening on emergencies or unexpected situations isour “motto” assuring  always the fastestdelivery , it doesn’t matter which destination is.  In certain and sometimes  unavoidable and unexpected transport matters,Navalogistic demonstrates all its knowledge matured  on the field through these years. Service ismonitored with technological advanced  systems on all its  phases till positive end.

OurHeadquarter is located in Chioggia – Venice,  have branch office at Porto Marghera andRavenna   but we do operate in all Italian ports.   Strong and very close relationships between Nettuno  Shipping and Shipowners and/or Vessels’ Captains do permit us toco-ordinate all operations related to the port handler terminasl and to itsmanagement  with good care  of all goods flux till the piers. Thanking toour experience on all ship agency operations and our  specific knowledge of products,   we can perform any service requested byShipowners, in particular to loading and unloading of conventional goods,exceptional ones, break-bulk, petrochemical, spares, embarkation/disembarkationof crews (Eu and non-Eu), bunkering, all Custom activities and documents.

Navalogisticdoes operate directly as Charterer thanks to the professionalism and honesty onrelationships acquired with Poseidon Chartering, an  agency operating on Shipbrokers&charterers fields.