

Yachtshare makes boating easy, affordable and fun.

संपर्क सूचना

कंपनी के फोन: 0410696578
ईमेल: [javascript protected email address]
कंपनी की वेबसाइट:
Yachtshare Pty Ltd
पता : Royal Esplanade 578
शहर : Manly
डाक कोड : 4179
देश : Australia

कंपनी विवरण

The smart way to share a boat

Yachtshareis a shared boating program that offers you the opportunity to own a share of a luxury sailing or motor yacht. By sharing the costs of purchasing and maintaining a boat and joining a syndicate of like-minded boating enthusiasts,  you can enjoy the freedom of the yachting lifestyle without all the hassle and financial burden normally associated with boat ownership.

Boats for all kinds of sailors

The Yachtshare fleet consists of luxury sailing and motor yachts based in sunny Queensland.  There are monohulls, multihulls and motor yachts from 36 to 50 feet to suit all kinds of boating enthusiast. Our base at the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron offers direct access to Moreton Bay. Yachts in the fleet venture north to the Great Barrier Reef during the cooler months and offer amazing sailing and cruising opportunities.