

Safety and quality are our priority.

संपर्क सूचना

कंपनी के फोन: +7 401 235-70-65
कंपनी फैक्स : +7 401 257-71-17
ईमेल: [javascript protected email address]
कंपनी की वेबसाइट:
पता : улица Киевская 21б
शहर : Калининград
  Калининградская область
डाक कोड : 236039
देश : Russia

कंपनी विवरण

«PORT SERVICE Ltd. ” was formed at 28.08.2002 year. An overview of the enterprise is clear from the restructuring scheme.

The main areas of development organizations, is the maintenance of marine vessels and river fleet, namely:

• re, testing and repair of emergency rescue and fire-protective equipment, inspection and maintenance of shipboard radio and navigation equipment for the Specialized station;
• logistics, excluding food and bunkering;
• Organizing and conducting urgent repairs marine equipment between ships berthing at the ports of Kaliningrad region on the loading and unloading operations.

The company from the early days of education as actively cooperating with the major local and shipping companies and ship owners from Petrozavodsk, St. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk, etc.

Given that the administration has many years of experience in these areas, LLC “PORT Service” – dynamically developing enterprise with its development programme (business plan) to increase the range of works and services. As a planned increase in the enterprise.
Due to the particular location of the Kaliningrad region has many years of experience working with manufacturers factories located on the mainland of Russia and foreign countries. In connection with this scheme work fast and effective delivery of the product quality and quantity. Concluded a contract for the supply of goods from factories producing dealership contract, the contract with the transport organizations.
The company maintains financial activities based on the use of their own resources and punctually performing items treaties concerning payment of works, goods and services. Thus, the created image of a stable operating company and the confidence of plants manufacturers, suppliers and customers. In so doing, it is possible to predict the actual delivery of a client’s property in his absence for one reason or another in a warehouse.