
Marine Merchants ship chandling & Services

Navigating excellence delivering success,your marine supply partner

Informazioni sul recapito

Telefono : +966535597248
Fax : +97377044067
Email: [javascript protected email address]
Marine Merchants ship chandling & Services
Indirizzo : Bahrain Steel Road
City : Al Hidd
Casella postale : 326
  Muḥāfaẓat al-Muḥarraq
Paese : Bahrain


Marine Merchants ship chandling and services was established to full fill Bahrain’s Maritimeneeds. We offer24/7 around the clock service offering competitive prices for the right qualityand service required by your vessels. Our Company is a high ranked firm and are in the positionto serve at all Bahrain Ports. While, we aim to fulfill the particular needs of our clients, we alsoembrace quality, perfection and customer satisfaction with our logistic advantages efficiencyand strong human re-sources