
DSA Maritiem

Your Problem Is Our Sulotion

Informazioni sul recapito

Telefono : 0655455866
Email: [javascript protected email address]
DSA Maritiem
Indirizzo : Ter Steeghe Ring 103
City : Zwijndrecht
Codice postale : 3331 LX
Paese : Netherlands


DSA Maritiem is your perfect partner when it comes to placing staff (temporarily or for a longer period) or ensuring the complete management of your ship. DSA Maritiem was founded by Rob Kunkeler, because there is a high demand for personnel and Rob has built up a very large network over the years since 1990.

Rob started in gas shipping and also had his own tanker. After it was sold, he worked as a walking captain for 3 years and expanded his network, so he can now meet great needs.

Rob regularly steps in as relief captain. This extensive experience allows us to understand some situations better and helps us find a solution for you more quickly.