
Navarino Germany GmbH

Leading Maritime ICT solutions

Informazioni sul recapito

Telefono : +49 404 66569400
Email: [javascript protected email address]
Website: https//
Navarino Germany GmbH
Indirizzo : Neue Burg
City : Hamburg
Codice postale : 20457
Paese : Germany


Navarino is one of the world’s largestmaritime technology and connectivity companies, operating across 6shipping-centric nations. Our industry-leading technology has put us at theforefront of maritime innovation and enabled us to empower our customers whileanticipating their future needs thanks to our continuously evolving services.

Weare the designer and developer of Infinity, the most successful bandwidthoptimization solution on the market. Infinity’s success is the result of acontinuous collaborative effort between ourselves and our customers, which hasresulted in a solution that is renowned throughout the maritime sector.Navarino also created the first fully managed cyber security solution formaritime, Angel, to ensure that your vessels can navigate and benefit from themaritime digital revolution in safety. Furthermore, Navarino has recentlylaunched a suite of digital services that are designed to meet the latest needsof maritime IT managers, including its new Spectrum service, a software suiteof tools and processes designed to cater specifically to the needs of maritimeIT managers. It offers a centralized platform for remote monitoring,maintenance and management of the entire IT and connectivity infrastructureonboard.

Our long-standing partnerships with some of the most respected names worldwidesuch as Cobham, Dell, GTMaritime, Intellian, Iridium, and JRC allow us todeliver the most comprehensive and reliable technologies. From satelliteconnectivity to maritime GSM technology solutions, our 5-star service isdesigned to deliver quality, care, and flexibility to our customers.