
Amergo Group

We deliver what you need!


Phone: +380675595109
Fax : +380636195630
Email: [javascript protected email address]
Amergo Group LLC
Address : вулиця Академіка Корольова 5/4
City : Одеса
P.O. BOX: 65101
  Одеська область
Postal Code : 65000
ქვეყანა  : Ukraine


We organize the supply chain of the vessel and its servicing in the port: providing the vessel with fuel (bunkering), food and technical supplies, organization of vessel repairing. To do that on the highest required level, we have preliminarily concluded contracts with suppliers from all above-mentioned fields, which give a possibility to vessel manager to choose from many different suppliers.

Food is always fresh and specifically tuned to fit the requirements of long sea cruises, both for passengers, external workers, and crew. Packing of products is done in a way to preserve maximum freshness and provide the long-term usage, even up to several years.

As for technical supply, it also can be any: refueling, oil, technical assistance, spare parts, and so on.

We believe that broad chain of our connections with suppliers and agencies that provide background documentation will result in having all technical, actual, and paperwork basis to support every legislative requirement to the quality of food, water, consumables, fuel, oil, clothes, uniforms, outfits, equipment, materials, kits, tools, machinery, and other essential items that may be required during the organization of ship supply.

All needed procurements to provide the ship with will be done in the fastest possible time in full accordance with the agreed sailing lists or other instructive documents.

In our supplier database there are more than 300 factories, which gives us the opportunity to purchase goods from the first hand, in additional we have our own:

— forwarders

— customs brokers

— warehouses

— car park

All this gives us the opportunity to be reliable partners in supplying ships and not only.