Utforsk bedrifter

Scanlog Ship Agencies

Kontakt info

Telefon: +46144480220
E-post: [javascript protected email address]
Nettside: www.scanlog.se
Adresse : Torggatan 4
By : Oxelösund
  Södermanlands län
Postnummer : 61330
Land : Sweden

Bedrifts beskrivelse

We have full focus on our ship owner and shipper clients’ specific needs as we stand entirely free in relation to shipping companies and shippers, terminals and transport companies.

Scanlog Ship Agencies offers ship agency, liner agency and logistics solutions for pre- and on-carriage and transshipments. We believe it is important to represent our clients fully in all aspects of a port call.

With our experience we know what has to be done – and how it should be done. We keep all parties continuously updated in real time about how the call is proceeding, to ensure an efficient turnaround taking full personal responsibility.