Utforsk bedrifter


Safety at sea we create ashore

Kontakt info

Telefon: +380487333339
E-post: [javascript protected email address]
Nettside: markogroup.com
Adresse : вулиця Проценка 23
By : Одеса
  Одеська область
Postnummer : 65000
Land : Ukraine

Bedrifts beskrivelse

About us

MARKO Ltd focuses on the field of general ship supply as well as maintenance of ocean-going vessels and river craft since 1993. We fervently follow good marine practice and fully comply with the international requirements thereof.

MARKO Ltd have also mastered related activities, i.e. fire safety in the shore industry. Today we are a regular supplier for enterprises and branches of Ukrainian authorities such as Energy Development and Coal Supplies Ministry of Ukraine, Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine and the Emergency Situations Service of the Defence Ministry of Ukraine.

From a young team, we have grown into a company combining divisions of technical service, production, supply and logistics. We import and supply high-quality products certified in Ukraine. We also manufacture and complete kits of specialized marine and firefighting equipment. We service all range of the ship's emergency, rescue, fire-fighting property.

Нas launched in 1998 the new line: maintaining the vessels repair and modernization projects. We have accumulated successful experience of such projects both in Ukraine and abroad.

Within business line there of MARKO Ltd is a unique network of technical services built comprising our branches in the Kiev, Odessa, Yuzhny, Khmelnitsky, to cover all regions of Ukraine and ports of the Black and Azov Seas.

Maintenance work of MARKO Ltd is performed employing manufacturer’s certified hardware, check-up devices and original spare parts. MARKO Ltd dispose of properly certified employees with vast experience to perform these works

MARKO Ltd are incessantly improving with one and only goal – to make our customers and partners as comfortable as possible within our terms and conditions.