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We Always Deliver


Phone: +2347066302722
Fax : +23412690826
Email: [javascript protected email address]
IPI Group Limited
Address : Adebola Street 9
City : Lagos
Postal Code : 101211
Państwo : Nigeria


        IPI Group Limited is aqualified inspection company that specializes in offering professional servicesis desirous in contributing its quota through proffering viable means ofblocking loopholes discovered in the Sector by ensuring that the quality,quantity and price of Oil and Gas exports are fully inspected and certifiedprior shipment, being the cardinal objective of the NES Scheme, if given theopportunity. As a matter of fact, we offer a standardized solution thatintegrates all transactions and feedback mechanisms that will be made easilyaccessible by all stakeholders in the industry.


      Furthermore,the company is endowed with bothmanagerial and technical competencies and is fully prepared to offer thePre-shipment Inspection services diligently and professionally, hence the questfor our participation in the NES Scheme. Consequently, it is a common knowledgeto all that the cardinal objective of good governance is the provision ofsecurity of lives and properties, uninterrupted power supply and above allcreate employment for our teeming youths, amongst others, as declared throughoutelectioneering campaigns era. However, actualizing these and the host of otherdevelopmental innovations can only be achieved if the existing oil revenue profileis improved through blocking all leakages firmly and permanently, especially inthe Oil industry, being the mainstay of the nation’s economy.