

We supply as good as it is


Phone: +258844040518
Fax : +258848685492
Email: [javascript protected email address]
Grupo JFG Lda
Address : Maputo
City : Beira
PaƄstwo : Mozambique


GRUPO JFG LDAis your one-stop resourcefor all your stores and provisions. Everything from a different brand. We servevessels offshore in AllMozambican PORTS,MAPUTO, BEIRA, PEMBA, NACALA, MOMA, ANGOCHE, QUELIMANE AND PEMBA,whether it is at berth, anchorages or off-port limits and Anchorage.

JFG GROUP LDA is an ISSA certified company established in 2015 in Maputo,Mozambique, SHIPSERV TRADE NET- 259581

Our expert team is eager to assist you 24/7

We stock a wide range of specialist products to satisfy every crew. Ofcourse, we can also arrange to stock special items that are regularly needed onrequest.

Our global sourcing team makes sure that economies of scale are alwaysexploited. Provisions and stores items are sourced locally in competitive areasand distributed to local JFG GROUP LDA warehouses directly.


JFG GROUP LDA offers a complete range of fresh, frozen, and dryprovisions that are stocked in our own warehouses containing state-of-the-artrefrigeration and freezer facilities. Fruit, vegetables, and dairy products arepurchased and delivered daily from the market. 

Bonded Stores 

JFG GROUP LDA stocks a wide range of spirits, cigarettes, andconfectionary, as well as perfumes, toiletries, and an exclusive range of giftitems. Additionally, we offer our customers an extensive range of electronicitems, including the very latest models of TV, DVD, and stereo equipment. 


Cabin Stores

JFG GROUP LDA a complete range of cabin stores is available from all ourbranches. Everything from soap to bedding and galley equipment is available ina variety of forms. We also equip new-buildings by sourcing equipment fromaround the world.


Deck & Engine Stores

JFG GROUP LDA carries all types of ship accessories and nauticalequipment for decks, engines, and cabins. Charts, nautical publications, flags,and stationery as well as safety equipment, rust removers, brushes, tools, andmuch more are available from our local warehouses.