
Wilson Sons Shipping Services

Our business is taking care of your business!


Phone: 92981061110
Email: [javascript protected email address]
Website: https//
Wilson Sons Shipping Services
Address : Avenida Rodrigo Otávio 4350
Postal Code : 69077-000
Państwo : Brazil


Who we are?

The largest and most experienced shipping agency present in Brazil.

We are the largest and most experienced shipping agency in Brazil and our clients' best choice for service in different shipping markets. We have an experienced team specialized in different types of vessels and commodities, as well as exclusive representatives in Europe and our own office in Shenzhen, China. The Company is one of the longest-lived companies in Brazil, with more than 180 years of experience on the Brazilian coast. We are the harmony between tradition and modernity.

What we do?

  • Shipping Agency: Operational assistance of the vessel with experienced and dedicated professionals to guarantee the highest quality of service in each port.

  • Cargo Documentation: Professional management of our customers' cargo with teams specialized in the Liner and Tramp segments.

  • Port and Market Intelligence: Development of products aligned with the needs of each client, monitoring operations in real time and with optimized management, helping to make decisions based on data.


What makes us different

  1. Leadership in the service of break bulk calls in Brazil.

  2. Expertise in serving vessels and platforms with mastery of certificate control and inspection.

  3. Web and application platform focused on customer experience - WS Connect.

  4. Expertise in the main market commodities with dedicated teams.

  5. Financial health and transparency in information and costs.

  6. Coverage through international partnerships.

  7. Certified by TRACE International in anti-bribery and anti-corruption practices. Fenamar and FONASBA Quality Seal.

  8. DuPont Award in the Health and Safety category - More than 7 years without lost time accidents.


Ask for a quote!

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