
Mr Trinh Khac Trung

We try harder , your career better


Telefone: +84969888687
Email: [javascript protected email address]
Página web da empresa:
Sunrise Manpower Co.,ltd
Morada : Mạc Quyết 70
  Hải Phòng
País : Vietnam


  • Weare Vietnamese licensed manning agency company. MLC 2006 approval SeafarersRecruitment and Placement Service Providers by Vietnam Maritime Administration- SRPSP number85-2023/GCN-CHHVN. Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015numberVCB 220310B-QMS.
  • Sunrise Manpower Co., Ltd is governed by experienced master mariners. Our management isqualified in onboard ship operation and crew management. We have an excellentrecord for providing professional crew placement service. We always focus onour clients' needs. Our selection process is aimed at providing the best withinthe salary standard.
  • Ourcrew manning agency is committed to provide exceptional service. We are keen tobuild long lasting relations with our clients. We offer cost effective shiprecruitment service. But we do not compromise with quality and safety. Weensure loyalty and professionalism among our recruits. You will find aresponsible and enthusiastic team handling your marine recruitment.
  • Extensive crewing network and skilled seafarers
  • Witha pool of over 5000 seafarers, we can supply you with a competent crew for yourvessels.
  • Ourrange of services include for all types/sizes of vessels i.e.
  • Oil/Chemical Tanker, Bulk Carrier, Container, G. Cargo and PCTC.
  • Ourteam is well trained and well equipped/experienced to serve your good companyby providing quality and dedicated crew and we would like to discuss all theother aspects in this context because we always look for a long term businessrelationship.
  • We’vesupplied our crew for UK Fleet and Taiwan Fleet for long-term cooperation.
  • Aswe known, your good company is looking for crew to work on sea-going vessels.
  • Weassure you of our best services and attention always and look forward tohearing from your side.
  • Kindlydo visit us at