
S.Me.P.P. S.p.A.


Telefone: +39 056 5224466
Fax : +39 056 549256
Email: [javascript protected email address]
Página web da empresa:
Società Mezzi Portuali Piombino
Morada : Via della Ferriera 37
Cidade : Piombino
Código postal : 57025
País : Italy


SMEPP (SPA) PIOMBINO is a company registered in the province of LI, having the following legal form: SPA and VAT number 01179350499.The registered office is located in Via di portovecchio, at 57025. The company develops an estimated turnover in the range of 2.5 - 5 (Ml. Euro). Smepp (spa) has an estimated number of employees of 20 to 49. The company is classified with the code ateco 61, in the category of maritime agencies more precisely to the sub-category maritime agencies.The geographical coordinates of the company are: latitude 42.92808 longitude 10.53296.It is possible to contact Smepp (spa) at the number (s) 0565224302 0565224466If you are looking for other companies in LI find them using our search engine.