

Контактная информация

Телефон: +44 0125 2755180
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Paromat Limited
Адрес : Washford Lane
Город : Lindford
Страна : United Kingdom


Paromatprovides professional solutions by means of BIM digital-twin technologies (IoT) and real-time live asset sensing across the Cruise Marine, Private Yacht and Commercial Hospitality sectors. We work closely with passenger ship operators, owners, private clients, Marine professionals, Hoteliers, outfitters and specialist Architects/Surveyors to deliver solutions for improved asset longevity. 

We boast first-hand knowledge and experience of Cruise Ships and Hotels and provide applications including BIM (O&M) digital-twin creation, remote intelligent sensing (Fixtures, Fittings, Equipment), environment capacity and crowd monitoring, interactive digital inventories, 3D reality capture and brand audit consulting services.

We recognise the importance for our clients to adopt Common Data Environments (CDE), BIM technologies, live remote monitoring and interactive inventories to improve facilities management, maintenance and the end-to-end lifetime of built assets.