

Equipment Supply, Marine Solutions, Ship Repair, Dry Docking, Anchorage Repair, Agency Service

İletişim Bilgileri

Telefon: +90 545 417 09 27
Elektronik posta: [javascript protected email address]
Web Sitesi: tunemarine.com
Adres : Zafer Sokak 12
posta kodu : 77700
Ülke : Turkey

Firma Açıklaması

  1. Equipment Supply
  2. Spare Part Supply
  3. Ship Services & Repairs
  4. Agency Services
  5. Brokerage Services
  6. Main & Auxiliary Engine Service & Overhauling
  7. Mechanical Component's Overhaulings
  8. Boilers, Coolers, Valve, Electrical Motors, Pumps and Other Engine Room Staff's Overhaulings
  9. BWTS Installation and Pipings
  10. Deck Machinery Equipment's Overhauling
  11. Propulsion System Installation and Alignments
  12. Steel & Outifitting Renewals
  13. Piping & Pipe Renewals
  14. Hull & Cargo Tank& Compartment Painting
  15. High Pressure Washing & Blasting
  16. Sand Blasting
  17. Tank & Compartment Cleanings
  18. Electrical Cabling and Cable Renewal
  19. Safety Equipment Service & Supply
  20. Navcom & Intercom Service
  21. Provision Supply