
Daspit Law Firm

Maritime Law and Offshore Accident Lawyers

İletişim Bilgileri

Telefon: +1 (888) 273-1045
Elektronik posta: [javascript protected email address]
Web Sitesi: www.offshoreaccidentfirm.com/
Daspit Law Firm
Adres : 440 Louisiana Suite 1400
Şehir : Houston
posta kodu : 77002
Ülke : USA

Firma Açıklaması

The Daspit Law Firm is a maritime law firm with a team of national maritime law and offshore accident attorneys who are fully dedicated to providing each individual client they represent with the best possible legal representation. They are able to do this by only handling one case at a time rather then taking on multiply cases at once like most law firms across the United States do. They also are committed to successfully recovering the maximum amount of compensation for their client and their client's families full physical and or emotional recoveries.

Practice areas include but are not limited to: Offshore accident and injuries, harbor worker accident and injuries, Jones Act, longshoreman rights, Death On The High Seas Act, Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, cargo ship accidents, crane accidents, maritime wrongful death, oil rig accident and injuries, barge accidents, cruise ship accidents, commercial fishing accidents, and many more.

Contact Daspit Law Firm for a free legal consultation with an experienced and successful maritime lawyer if you or a loved one have suffered an injury as a result from working at sea.