
Beckmann & Jörgensen GmbH

We do not only accept orders - but also responsibility!

İletişim Bilgileri

Telefon: +49 040 2369910
Fax : +49 040 231794
Elektronik posta: [javascript protected email address]
Web Sitesi: www.bj-logistic.de
Beckmann & Jörgensen GmbH
Adres : Wendenstraße 23-29
Şehir : Hamburg
posta kodu : 20097
Ülke : Germany

Firma Açıklaması

The Beckmann & Jörgensen GmbH covers all survey tasks in the national and international trade.

Our qualified personnel have many years experience in the inspection of ship, truck and container cargoes, we also have extensive expertise in the fruit sector. We report daily during the survey and are always available for consultation or advice.

We are experts in the storage, shipment, transport and installation of wind turbines. We can offer support in the conception and operation of complex projects and part-projects.